Ken Gushi Motorsport's competition debut for the GReddy Performance Achilles Tire Toyota Gazoo Racing GR Supra at #FDSTL - 12th overall after Saturday's, Rd.1 and Sunday's Rd.2 events.
* Also scroll down to the bottom of this post for the behind the build video...
Formula Drift FDSTL - Rd.1&2 Recap Video
Video: FDSTL Rd.1&2 by Larry Chen
Rd.1 #FDSTL kengushi
IG: "Had hell of a first round here at @formulad . Firstly, I injured my back last week (slipped a disc) and have been pretty much immobile throughout the weekend. Had my awesome team work on everything while I sat around. And I couldn’t deliver for them on my top32 battle against @alecrobbinsracing ! Great drive from Alec as he’s been on fire all weekend. Round 2 tomorrow, so we’ll give the new @toyotaracing#GRsupra a wilder drive! Can’t thank my team enough for covering all bases while I sit out like a grandpa. "

Behind the Drift B58-powered A90 GR Supra